04/05 - 08/06/2019
Judith Eisler
Delia Jürgens
Mario Kiesenhofer
Katherina Olschbaur
Michaela Putz
Romana Scheffknecht
EVERLASTING LIGHT erzählt vom Umgang mit der Vergänglichkeit. Eckpfeiler der Ausstellung bilden Annäherungen an zeitgenössische Vanitas-Motive und das Phänomen Blackmirror als exemplarische Leerstelle. Beleuchtet wird die Ambivalenz zwischen Festhalten und Verwischen menschlicher Spuren.
EVERLASTING LIGHT deals with the exposure to transience. Focusing on approaches to contemporary vanitas motifs and the blackmirror phenomenon as an exemplary void, the show contemplates on the ambivalence between holding on to and blurring human traces.
_____TIM NOLAS, 2019

Michaela Putz, Sky with Black Mirror / from the series Mirrored Landscapes, Imprinted Memories, 2017

Delia Jürgens, Chakra XI (Double Helix - at the intersection of. mapping Stars. Line is a Circle. A Veer of Fields) (2019)

Mario Kiesenhofer (from left to right): Indoor – NYC Inferno, Manhattan 2018 | Indoor – Eagle, New York City 2016 | Indoor – Eagle, Vienna 2015 | from the series You Are Here 2018

BLACKPAGES, neon sign, BLACK PAGES #1-#87, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Untitled, 2019, Prototype for Multiple