Anywhere But Here - Storytelling as Reaching Gesture
Somewhere far away, we reach into the ground. We dip our fingers deep into the sand. Something pulls us forward, while we wonder what awaits us on the other side. We listen to the sound of unknown galaxies. Surrounded by our friends, we search for something familiar, something our bodies once knew, and some-thing yet to come. Tongues bending to dance with each other, feelers intertwined. We don‘t know where we‘re moving, but we feel the need to stretch in a certain direction. Are we looking for our own image in the eyes of another? The land is wide, but not free. Voices spread out to form a future. A prism of thought. Glow-ing, the sand next to the sea. The stars in our minds. We tremble as we dream in a kind of repetition, encounter fluttering animals, creatures divided in two. The inescapable longing grows stronger as we awaken. The need to reach out and touch something on the other side getting unbearable. We urge to escape the limits of our mind. To connect without words, to merge and immerse ourselves in a new skin. An unpredictable order of signs seems possible. A manic melancholy, a joyful advance. Possessed by these thoughts, swaying back and forth, we feel our desire spreading into another time.
Anahita Asadifar
Nana Mandl
Anna Schachinger
Marianne Vlaschits